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Small Tree Removal Safety Tips


Updated: Nov 1, 2021

Does a tree in your yard have you stumped? You’d like to remove it, perhaps, but you’re not certain of the best way to go about it. As your insurance agent, we always recommend that you hire a professional for any large tree removal, and you ask them for proof of insurance. However, you may be interested in DIY small tree removal to trim some of your landscaping costs, and to just take care of that annoying little tree branch. Here are some top tips for DIY small tree removal.

Do Your Research

First, it’s important to know that tree service work can be extremely dangerous. If at any time you feel uncertain about what you’re doing, it’s important to call in the experts.

Before you get to work, it’s important to research local ordinances to determine whether you are able to complete the tree removal work. For instance, do not try to remove any tree that’s not on your property. If necessary, be sure to acquire all the proper permits as well. Once you’re confident that everything is in order, then you can begin your DIY small tree removal.

Plan Ahead

Before you remove the tree, thoroughly saturate the soil around the tree, one day prior. This will soften the soil, making the tree’s removal much easier to complete.

Before you begin, you’ll also want to have the proper safety gear. This includes gloves, goggles, a helmet, and protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and steel-toed leather shoes. As your insurance agent, we want you to stay safe and there’s no excuse to not wear the appropriate safety gear. Once you’re ready to get to work, clear the area surrounding the tree. Keep people and pets a distance of at least double the tree’s height away.

The next step is to determine which way the tree will fall. For instance, if your tree is left-leaning, then it is likely to fall to the left. Examine your tree carefully to determine its directional orientation. This will help you decide the best way to chop it down.

At the same time, you’ll also want to determine what to do if the tree falls in an unexpected direction. It’s important to carefully consider your escape route if the tree falls in a direction you were not expecting, as well as if the tree falls the way you had originally planned. Carefully go over all worst-case scenarios before you begin your tree removal work.

Use Caution

When you’re confident the area has been properly secured and you’ve carefully considered your emergency plan should something unexpected happen, you’re ready to begin your DIY small tree removal.

Here’s a YouTube Video on How to Cut Down a Small Tree for your reference:

Please be careful when you are removing trees from your property. We hope you found these tips helpful. You can reach us at (781)326-9900 or online at



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